Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist or a member of a racist organization, nor do I advocate discrimination or violence against any person of any race. But I do think it's pretty damned ridiculous that we (in the USA) have black history month, affirmative action (if you're a minority, you're more likely to be able to get into a good college. seriously.), african-american college funds, hate crime laws (if you're a white person and you assault a black person, that's considered to be a worse crime), etc. But if you advocacate any of that for white people, you are branded a racist. Guess what? all of that stuff I mentioned above? that's racist. What? there's no such thing as racism against white people? interesting.
oh, and Yahoo needs a better selection of avatar options. My hair is shorter than this.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? Oh Hell. Screw it. I am done with novel responses. There's no need to justify what I said I know I'm right.
I'm not racist. I'm mixed race, and I'm advocate for equality. For your information, equality means "justice for all". Not "Justice for everyone...except whites, because they were unfair to non whites in history and should have their share at suffering".
Lol. Get with it people. We're in modern day. The reason we're still separated is because people (whites and non whites alike) CHOOSE for it to be that way.
The point of bringing up anything that I did was to bring to attention, FACTUAL information about history, that might just change the whole concept of whites being a power tripping controlling land stealing race. To bring to the table that we've suffered injustices, along with our ancestors, and people of all races have professed and practiced injustices against OTHER people too, including whites. So the prime focus on whites is a bother to me, YES. Why? Because it gets damn old hearing about this **** every single day.
For the record, my boyfriend doesn't give a **** about what his people may have went through in America. Like any wise person he realizes the past is the past and we weren't born asking to be born a certain color, and to be judged a specific way. But like many minorities who support affirmative action, it's not BECAUSE of history, it's because it benefits them. And yes, he'll support it if it makes life easier on him. but I grew up in poverty, so don't' you dare tell me affirmative action was created BECAUSE of people like me. What? Poor white people? Lmao, girl you've got me laughing now.
No, Obama being elected would not get under my skin. Unlike you Lolis, I vote based on what kind of president I see doing the most for our American people, not based on color, and to which race I think the leader will answer to the most.
You're a self loathing moron who seems to be so brainwashed by other people to find ways to slander the white race as a whole. Enough said. People can deny historical facts all the want. Whites aren't the only racists, so whites shouldn't be ashamed, as a race. Whites should not be guilty. Whites of today are not responsible for early American colonialism, early American slavery, -so on, so forth-. The point was that it's idiotic to hate whites based on something the whites of today are not responsible for. All races, and all groups of people have had their downside. They've all made their contributions and have had their accomplishments. They've all been victims and they've all been victimizers. So what the hell is the point in trying to separate us in this country by making whites out to be the enemy, and non whites the victims? Think what you want to. Facts are what matter to me. I don't pity people for things I'm not responsible for, and I don't expect pity back. I'm focused on today. I don't sit there and loathe people for what happened to my people in the past. It sure as hell didn't happen to me, and not by people living today.
I'm European American, proud of my heritage, not my race, nor am I ashamed. I can't help that I was born white, so why should people hate me, as a white person, for something I cannot help? Sorry, that seems extremely unfair, and hateful, and just flat out wrong. And I'll speak against it if I want to because I know in this case, I AM right.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? Its not racist, people who say its racist are racist.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? I like the way you think, and you sound super hot!!!!
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? People make me sick when they say things like white people haven't been persecuted because of their skin colour or that whites haven't been slaves. Do some reading in your world history people.
The USA isn't the only country in existence.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? Maybe it's because of history...the first civil people...weren't they considered to be Europeans? You know..white people.
Yes, I do agree that Yahoo needs a better selection of avatar options.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? lol well, the minorities are advantaged officially, but in real life, the de facto laws of society are geared towards whites. You can see in chinese restaurants the white people yelling for refunds when the sauce is a little bit too sour or something and the people usually do give them their money back just to not cause trouble because they know they will lose. However, after i went to olive garden and spent my ****** 20 bucks for their spaghetti, they gave me a burnt sausage and will only give me a damn coupon.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? It's a GENE in white people, they think they are superior to everyone.
oh and the avatar it's becoz the Yahoo hairdresser is on Xmas holidays :)
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? Attend a Hispanic Pride or Asian Pride event and they are celebrating the good things they have done. Attend a White Pride event and they are celebrating their superiority over Blacks and Jews and throwing darts at a poster of a ten year old Black Girl they affectionately call, "It." Been there. Saw that. To gather in pride, such as white Germans or Italians do in festivals to celebrate their history and customs is not the same thing as "White" pride activities, which revolve around not pride but HATE. Big difference.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? i got into college because of hard work (graduated top 5% at a predominately white school, which was totally awesome to say the least) and an SAT of 1570. I was picked as team captain in my gym class for basketball though.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? I will address only your initial question. It is NOT the NAME of the organization that makes it racist, but its' points of view. Black Pride (seems) to put forth the idea of Blacks being proud of their color by virtue of being proud of their races' and ancestors accomplishments. There is NOTHING derogatory about another race or ethnic persuasion in that venue.
On the issue of White Pride (I hope YOU know of some such named group because I do not) it is almost ALWAYS known to be a White Supremacy or other such exclusive and derogatoraily slanted organization.
The KKK is not hated because of their display of the white purity of their robes, rather because of their avowed hatred of blacks, mullatos, Gyspys, Jews, and at one time, Catholics.
Get the subtle difference?
And wwwwwasds beter STAY out of those chain resturants. It may LOOK Italian on the outside but it is owned by a Jewish Syndicate out of New York. I read that in my KKK newsletter last week.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? Because too many whites are afraid.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? I think it is because the caucasian race pretty much took over everything. For example, they took the Southwest from Mexico then turned around and said the people were illegals. The people that were allowed to remain where the Native Americans which were given small portions of land called reservations from the land they owned in the first place. Then they forced the blacks out of their homeland by putting them on ships only to enslave them like animals. I don't know about you but, these people deserve a little bit of what the Whites have robbed them of. Having a white history month would be a slap in the face for all other minorities. Oh did I forget to mention all the other minorities who were treated like dirt who don't have these so called advantages the Whites have allowed minorities to have. Let's talk about any American born Asian who was imprisoned in prison camps within the U.S. right after the attack on pearl harbor just because they looked like the people or were decendents of the people who attacked us. By the way there are plenty of all white groups. I can go on and on about this.
Mommy to be... Of course in your opinion my answer would be uneducated because you disagree with it. What are the sources to your articles? They were probably written by white people too. How does your bf feel about the way his people were treated in the U.S. based prison camps? We both have strong opposing opinions and I too am proud to be part of my heritage. I am both European and Hispanic but, I don't disregard to answer your posting regarding Africans were selling their own people Google African Slavery trade accross many articles you will find this "Extenuating circumstances demanding exploration are the tremendous efforts European officials in Africa used to install rulers agreeable to their interests. They would actively favor one African group against another to deliberately ignite chaos and continue their slaving activities.[3]." And you are comparing it to the Slavery that went on in Africa you are the uneducated one Slavery in the rigid form which existed in Africa and throughout the New World was not practiced in Africa nor in the Islamic Orient.[citation needed] "Slavery", as it is often referred to, in African cultures was generally more like indentured servitude: "slaves" were not made to be chattel of other men, nor enslaved for life. African "slaves" were paid wages and were able to accumulate property. They often bought their own freedom and could then achieve social promotion -just as freedman in ancient Rome- some even rose to the status of kings (e.g. Jaja of Opobo and Sunni Ali Ber). Similar arguments were used by Western slave owners during the time of abolition, for example by John Wedderburn in Wedderburn v. Knight, the case that ended legal recognition of slavery in Scotland in 1776. Regardless of the legal options open to slave owners, rational cost-earning calculation and/or voluntary adoption of moral restraints often tended to mitigate (except with traders, who preferred to weed out the worthless weak individuals) the actual fate of slaves throughout history. By the way, I hope Obama wins the Presidency that will really get under your skin. %26lt;----- This author does not quote his sources. And as I predicted he just happens to share the same ideas as you. You just want to justify the reason for slavery. For the three articles you quoted there are thousands that will give you the facts, dates, times, names and actual history. Affirmitive action was created because of people just like you.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? sure do sound racist to me...and by the way white pride was adopted by many racists groups to fight for the survival of the alleged oppression of whites....
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? white people tend to turn ugly when they form a whites only organization,such as arian nation,kkk
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? Just to throw it out their white isnt a race...neither is black asian or hispanic instead of lumping ourselves into 4 categories have some pride in your ethnicity. Many as people say whites have been persecuted against Italians any time in a movie its the mafia or running for plitical office mafia,Jews were sent away when they were fleeing nazi germany just cause your a minority doesnt mean your entitled to a free pass and better education my family is working hard to put 3 kids through college with no financial help or united white college fund
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? When you peal away the skin every thing underneath is the same, muscles,bones ,nerves,blood vessels, blood etc etc what is the fuss......
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? It's a very good question.
Affirmative action, Black History Month %26amp; 'hate' crime laws clearly constitute racist legislation, at least in a philosophic sense.
Why it's rarely named as such is political, with the primary offenders being the Democrats.
The Democrat identity contains the notion of being the champion of the oppressed, which is all well %26amp; good, but it has lead to the belief that it's OK to pass racist laws so long as they favor a racial group previously oppressed.
So while virtually all racist pro-white laws have been removed from the books, the political temptation to enact racist pro-minority laws has proved irresistible because it gets ethnic votes %26amp; it lets politicians demagogue their political opponents as a racist if they object.
The notion is that pro-minority racist legislation will end once everyone is 'even'.
The reality is it gets votes, so Yahoo will upgrade its avatar options LONG before politicians give up shameless demagoguery. (Unless we vote the scoundrels out)
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? I totally agree! First off, The white people were THE FIRST SLAVES not black, there are MORE WHITE families living in poverty in the USA then any other nationality.There is more college funds out there for blacks, Hispanic, Asian etc. then there is white. Also most of theirs do not have to be paid back where the white peoples do.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? you must really have short hair then. Anyways, youve made a good point, and asked a good question, but youve already struck upon the answer in your statement whether you realise it or not. The first thing you mentioned in the paragraph following this question was {"Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist or a member of a racist organization, nor do I advocate discrimination or violence against any person of any race."}
a normal but defensive response to a race oriented statement/ question/ subject. So to answer your question, id have to say that the reason it's racist to say "white power/ white pride" is because it is irreversibly entangled association-wise with the various white supremacist movements (in the USA and the world), and white racist organisations, factions and a way of life in america that has been predominant since this nation's founding until quite recently.
Why is it so much worse than the similar black power movement in america, or the lesser race pride movements?
because, it is most associated with hate movements, world wide, and more importantly, violent hate movements.
The slavery era in america was based on the common belief that blacks, and the few other enslaved races were inferior to whites, and that their enslavement was justifiyable as these other races were more or less "animals" to them in some cases. The KKK, who were one of the contributors to making this unspoken racial hierarchy a spoken one (in america) along with other white supremacy groups went about killing, beating, raping, and terrorizing. The black panthers, and block power movement in the US was somewhat similar in approach to getting across a message, but it was on a much lesser scale at the time than the anti blacks movements and sentiment that ruled much of the country.
The nazi's also preached an even more exclusive message of white superiority, the "aryan race" being the top of their racial hierarchy, and jailed/ encamped/ murdered anyone who stood in their way, or who was of another race/ ethnic background than theirs.
"White Pride's" identification as racial sentiment is greatly contributed to by the overwheleming amount of racial tension in america today, half covered by the strong "anti-racism" propaganda and laws that have taken the nation and alot of the world over, although for the most part people are considered more "equal" than ever before in US history. Now most white people will call you a racist for saying white power, where as 50 years ago, in certain parts of america, all of them might have put a fist up in response or whatever it is that they did.
So basically, a number of white people see the "good" things happening for people of racial diversity, and wonder if their rights are being violated, but what they dont realize, is that these "lucky" people, are descendents of those who were forcibly removed from their nations by whites, (and yes black africans that were heavily involved in the african slave trade as well), and stripped of any rights as human beings at least as we experience them today. After a few centuries of this they were released into a world that wasnt much better at all, and full of hatred and popular "white supremacy" which still hasnt fully ended in the hundred and some years since slaveries both official end, and true end several decades later. My point is not to rub in the 300 years of oppression deal, try to play the race card, or make anyone feel guilty, or anything like that, because no, i was not ever enslaved, but on the other hand my great and great great grandparents were, and their family and fathers/mothers before them, so it does affect me indirectly, just like any holocaust survivors descendants would and goes to show that it wasnt so long ago that such atrocity ruled the world. I have encountered far more than my share of anti black racism growing up in the deep south, and even in the north but I dont blame anyone alive today for slavery, nor the continuing hatred to a certain extent, but it does exist, and slavery did happen, and so we can only act progressively today. My point on the matter of affirmative action and the socalled "ease" of blacks getting into college is this: beyond the notion of this being some kind of repairitions for past sin against blacks that some believe,
the government has put some programs into action apparently aimed at evening out the immense difference in wealth and success between white americans, and americans of other races. Did you know that besides the few "black" colleges and uni's in the nation the average university/ college has a black population of 5%-20% of the entire student body if even that, and private college's run at about 0-10%. Did you ever stop to think why this is? For one, innercity children whether white black orange purple or whatever recieve a much lower level of education than schools in more upper class regions, and suburban schools. If you look at the makeup of alot of the schools that have high graduation rates and future college enrollers, youll see that they are comprised usually more of caucasians, than other races in america, whereas the innercity students, if they graduate, usually go on to things outside of college except usually in rare cases. This is because the blacks of these graduates, at least as far as the ones from the poorer neighborhoods such as myself are concerned, way more often than not dont have funds to pay their cell phone bill let alone go to college and its not because their lazy as alot of white people seem to think. Minimum wage was increased $2 within the last year, and its still impossible to meet all living expenses for one'self on one such job alone. What affirmative action does, and the ***** scholarship fund does, is provide people like me- people who emancipated themselves at 16 worked 2 jobs and attended school at the same time, and graduated top of my class, 1510 SAT and so on from a large class in an underfunded innercity school with only a 60% graduation rate, and who doesnt have a cosigner to even take out a single loan. I am now 21 and have never even gotten a drivers permit, and was able to afford a cellphone for the first time right before i turned 21, and upon arrival to college i was surrounded by the 95% white population on campus,and 1% international group (no hispanics or non white/ non blacks are even at this college) i was shocked to see that just about all of them were paying a somewhat discounted form of tuition that differed per person out of pocket. Not only that, but most that i knew had never held a job, and yet all had cars and cellphones paid by their parents. My roommate in fact, being only accepted by this particular college, had full tuition for four years or an equivalent of 100-120,000 dollars, his cell phone/ expenses, car, and was suprised with another brand new one after his freshman year, books, car insurance, and living/ travel expenses paid out of pocket by parents along with a promise of full graduate school expenses, and his first apartment/ living expenses when he finished that paid by them as well.
And his father was a self practice dentist, making this roommate closer to me on the financial foodchain than the top. Now, keep in mind some of the 4% black students came from money as well, but the desire for racial diversity/ black admissions has alot to do with the marketability of "diverse" colleges. But anyway, what should America do with people in my situation, and with college prices soaring every year? turn them away and tell them to join the army or work at mcdonalds until they can afford it despite all their hard work because they couldnt hit middle class with a rock dont have means of taking out a loan, and arent an athelete let alone a star one. It would take about 15 years working at mcdonalds to afford tuition for 4 years at most schools in america for the record, thats if you live in a magical house with no rent feels, with food, power, and such that replenish themselves, god forbid you should have a car or internet/ cable, but in real life it would take a lifetime. I have bone deformities in both ankles from birth, so i have no army to fall back on for financial support, and even if i did, why should i have to risk my life in iraq to deserve an education/ better life in america?
All im saying is this... whites are far richer as a whole and on average than blacks or spanish. Whites are also by far the overwhelming majority when it comes to college graduates. Am i saying that all whites are rich or all are college grads with phD's? the answer is an emphatic no, but what i am saying is that this situation is no cooincidence. 60 years ago blacks if they could read/ write/ do math, could either go into the workforce, or go to very few colleges in the nation because of their race, financial standing, jim crow laws, and so on. So finally, they are allowed in all unis and colleges and not only that the nation wakes up and sees that theyve got to provide a means for many of them before they can even consider attending, and finally does something remotely good for them, and gives us a month to remember those who were incarcerated, killed, and maimed for trying to make a better life for themselves or others, and live like "americans" with equal rights so they could ride wherever they wanted on the bus, or die alongside whites on the battlefield, or just walk without fear of being harrassed beaten or spit on and all you and tons of other uneducated history-blinded young white people whove ive heard say similar things can ask why its wrong to spread a message of white supremacy and yet you dont consider yourself racists? Well as far as im concerned you might as well shave your hair the rest of the way off if you havent already, put your fist in the air and do whatever you gotta do, or better yet put on your white robe, because this question just about solidifies the fact that you are either really historically/ socially ignorant, racially insensitive, a straight up bigot, or maybe all of the above would be more fitting.
Whenever i think this nation might be even close to nearing a more colorblind society where race doesnt matter, it is people like you who sit infront of your plasma screen tv's in full houses with full families, with nice cars in nice neighborhood, and nice jobs, and naiively claim that blacks and hispanics are the ones living fun filled luxurious lives. open your eyes, and maybe take a drive through apredominantly black neighborhood, if there is one within 100 miles of the LALA land you presently live in, why not the project housing facility, or the hood, and if you dont see then why this question was asked out of sheer stupidity then you will never know.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? You CAN have White Pride ... and other groups can have their pride too ..
BUT where it becomes wrong .. is where pride is mistaken for an air of superiority ....where one's so called pride puts down others .. That's racism to me .. no matter the colour of the person saying/thinking/ doing things that promote hostile pride ....
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? Everyone needs to be proud of who and what they are. I think that "minorities" at one time needed labels other than derogatory ones and therefore developed the "pride philosophies".
White Pride has a connotation of racism, whether deserved or not. I think that those who developed the phrase were, in fact, racists who were looking for yet another way to recruit unthinking idiots into their diminishing ranks.
As for affirmative action, right or wrong, it was a way of establishing parity between minorities and whites in the job market and for educational opportunities. It was not an indictment of whites in general.
And yes, there can be (and often is) racism directed toward whites in our society; however, whites are still in the majority and therefore may not truly be discriminated against.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? All of the things you mentioned above are the direct result of forced white supremacy. White people have destroyed or enslaved every race that they've come into contact with across the globe. Seriously, please take a history class. You're embarrassing yourself. I would recommend reading "The African origin of Civilization" by Cheikh Anta Diop.
Also you really have your facts wrong.
Affirmative action is for all minorities included white women who have benefited most from the program.
Black history month is one month throughout the year where we are not celebrating white history.
Hate crimes are for all races and genders who commit crimes against another race based or sex, sexual orientation or skin color.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? Politics and guilt.
There are a lot of votes behind the racist card and so white people in power seek to win these by passing legislation that leans in favor of minorities, while stamping hard on established cultural and national identity.
They have an army of pant-wetting hand-wringers behind them, whining at the inhumanity of their forefathers from generations ago. White people dont need a champion for their rights, and frankly dont deserve any support because they are descended from murdering baby eaters. How DARE THEY drag people from such bastions of freedom and wealth as Africa, Asia and south America, into the oppressive evil poverty that is the USA and Europe.
One day we'll all be 'equal' in their eyes, but until such a time you are going to be repeatedly shafted by your own countrymen who you elected to defend YOUR rights, so that they can win hearts in a multicultural utopia they are crafting for us. I don't remember voting for it though. Do you?
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? because black hispanic and asians didnt try to make people slaves in america thats why.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? funny a real riot
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? Because in the U.S., black and hispanic people have not oppressed white people, enslaved them, made it difficult for them to work or vote, et cetera. I think it's OK to have ethnic "pride" and "history" awareness for minority groups that have historically been mistreated in this country.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? ...because of "Ethnic" ignorance.
Why is White Pride racist when black pride/hispanic pride/asian pride isn't? There all racist its just that Blacks, Asians and Hispanics were persecuted for having pride in there race at one point and white really haven (different subgroups of white have but not the whole race)