Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

there are at least seven types of people in Iran. it is not an Arabic country. they are pretty mixed population, Arabs, Asian looking people, red hair and blond people. many people have green and blue eyes. in fact the name Iran comes from Aryan which is a new name since WWII. Hitler announced Iran as an Aryan nation!! there are many other wrong conceptions regarding iran and many other countries. do you know of other misconceptions about other countries?

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

It is all part of a massive campaign that been going on for a long time, to demeanor the people of ME. So the aggression against them, and stealing their wealth can be justified ??!!

Best Regards.

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

Thank you, i honor this award very highly, and it is very educating for me to think and answer your outstanding questions.

My Best Regards. Report It

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

There are misconceptions many of them are Muslim. And Muslim is synonymous with Arab which is synonymous with evil terrorist, in most American's minds. People think that in all Middle Eastern countries everyone is Muslim even though a lot of people are Christian as well. People over look that to support their racism.

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

I've heard people refer to the US as a "Christian nation," there's one right there

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

Whatever the misconception,the fact remains that Iran of today is run by Ayotollahs and Mullahs.These fanatics have brought disrepute to your nation by their senseless diktats and fatwahs.The Iran of today is no different than the Taliban.A nation or religion,which harbours on senseless orthodox principles,curtailing rights of individual, Intolerant, propagating Jehad in the name of religion,decrying all that is good and looking down upon all other religion has earned a bad name for the country.There exist many such abberation elsewhere also but Islam is at the top in the list.Can you dispute that.

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

I've heard that they allow themselves to be ruled by corrupt Islamist mullahs that support terrorist causes?

Oh, wait. That's actually correct.

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

I find it interesting that while trying to bring attention to these wonderful people you mentioned that Adolf Hitler, named their country after ARYAN.

I seem to remember this Hitler guy, Austrian by birth, wild guy with a crazy little mustache. He was not a Holocaust denier though.

There is a definite connection here. Keep watching for more on this subject as I am gathering FACTS to post questions from.

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

I guess because most people don't go there on vacation for some dang reason. Yes, there is a misconception of America being wealthy enough to support everybody who slips across the border.

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

Misinformation, disinformation and propaganda lies. Political expediencies and ignorance of history-ancient and modern- have brought us to this situation of misunderstanding.

Please do not...misunderestimate Iranians.

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

This is new to me, don't tell me that the Ayatollahs and mullahs are no longer controlling the country. In which case there will no longer be a threat.

Why there are so many misconceptions regarding M.E. countries, IE; IRAN?

We, the people of the United States, live in a bubble. Our horizons extend from one end of the U.S. to another. Yes, we know there is a world out there, but other than England and, by default, Canada, we have a tendency to view them all with contempt. There is "Old Europe," much of which is even more modern than we are. The "Third World," that we consider peopled with savages who eat bananas and breadfruit and raise goats, create good vacation spots, but really have no place in the world. Then, there the Orient, good for cruises, but really too mysterious and peculiar for our tastes. They all seem to look alike, every one of them besides Sumo wrestlers. Besides, they invented gunpowder but they didn't have the sense to go nuclear, as we have.

Last, there is the Middle East. Now, one can look into those inscrutable brown eyes of any one of them and see that they are up to no good. They wrap themselves in sheets, like the Ku Klux Klan, and wrap their women in even more sheets. Most of them are Muslim, which is another word for Terrorist in our eyes. They are Beheaders and, if you value your head, you'd better kill off these weird folks.

Muslims dislike Jews, because someone didn't have enough sense to partition off the land correctly and reimburse the Palestineans for their removal from their homes. We Americans only enrich the Chosen and fail to recognize a large group of poverty-stricken folks stuck in refugee camps as needy.

Iran is led by fundamentalist Islamics, Ayatollahs, whom we believe just sit around concocting terror. The only Middle Easterner we liked was Yul Brynner when he portrayed the King of Siam. Brutal, but with a heart of gold.

Misconceptions? Mishaps, misdeeds, mistakes and misinformation. That about covers it.

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